Hope y'all are well.
It's Tuesday again, so open evening at 57 North hacklab. Come along
and do some hacking, or just to hang out or whatever you fancy.
I'll be in from mid afternoon, puttering around with EMF Camp bits and
bobs, some 3D printing, maybe this chart dashboard thing I've been
tinkering with, or maybe some sewing.
There is a Open Evening blurb at https://www.57north.org.uk/open-evenings
We're at:
Suite H, Kettock Lodge Innovation Park,
Campus Two Bridge of Don,
Aberdeen, AB22 8GU
Reply if you like, let us know your plans. If you need a hand with
transport, just ask. If you're coming along for the first time, that'd
be awesome, maybe bring a laptop or something to tinker with.
Our 2024 AGM is provisionally planned for Tuesday the 18th of June, at
8pm, in the space, just to mention to save the date :)
See you there.
I'm going to Bring this back into discuss,
I disagree with membership being use as an issue here. Someone not being
a paying member is not a concern I have over decision making in 57north.
However the spending we do has to aligned with to forwarding 57north is,
I would ague that these stickers are really for Scotcon, where there is
an overlap and raises the profile of 57north in the national and
international community.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Re: [57north-discuss] Re: Sticker making session & bulk ordering
Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 06:07:13 +0100
Hi Vishnee,
I am taking this email chain out of the discussion mailing list.
We are appreciative of your work putting into designing stickers,
however there are some serious concerns about your request. Some have
already been raised by other directors of 57North.
We are a community led organisation, and do not have the budget to spend
£320 on stickers. If it were to be £100 or so, that would be different
Our source of income is generated through membership fees, and we want
to ensure the money is not spend on a folly of one or two of the
members, but rather have a meaningful contribution to the community.
Without knowing the actual designs of your stickers, we do not have
sufficient information to assess whether your stickers are a folly or
benefit the hackerspace members. Looking at the file names, my
observation is they are for your folly, i.e. social centre activity, but
I am happy to be corrected.
Another point of concern is that you are not a paying member. While you
are free to make suggestions to the space, we are free to ignore them.
On this occasion we have given it consideration, and not deemed it
worthwhile for our cause. If you were a paying member, you would be
having more say in our spends, but not at this time.
If you have any queries on our decision making, I would encourage you to
become a paying member and raise them queries at the AGM.
Best regards,
On Wed, 15 May 2024, 22:35 Victoria Neumann, <me(a)vishnee.de> wrote:
Sheet stickers are not durable though. They might be cheap, but that's
why they are cheap. Like the small Gary ones that are still having
Looking for vinyl or PVC sticklers, the cheapest I found were those
If you can find some for similar quality, you welcome to search for it.
Took some stickers off the list and Midder is happy to pay £120, so
would make the whole amount for hacklab for just over £320 (see
On 15/05/2024 09:39, Andy Gaskell wrote:
> Hiya
> Who was the sticker printing with & how many of each of the 9
> would that be?
> Last time I got stickers done, which was a few years ago, I used FMG
> down in Brighton. I'd used them for stationery, flyers and cards
> before. Looking at their website they've got loads of options,
but you
> can buy 100 sheets of A4 stickers for £192. Depending how big the
> stickers were, but could probably get 4 sets of 9 on an A4 sheet, so
> that'd be 400 x 9 stickers.
> https://www.facemediagroup.co.uk/promo-print/stickers/sticker-sheets
> I was wondering what we did before, and if we wrote it down, all
I could
> find was from 2016, on https://scottishconsulate.org/33c3/planning
> <https://scottishconsulate.org/33c3/planning> which mentions 500
> stickers for £20. Looking at the website it mentions,
> digitalprinting.co.uk <http://digitalprinting.co.uk>
<http://digitalprinting.co.uk> there are a lot of
> options, but, for example, it looks like you can get 100 sheets,
with 48
> stickers per sheet for £16.
> Not sure what exactly we can afford, but there might be more cost
> effective options.
> I'm happy to help with preparing design files for printing, done
a fair
> bit of that before in a past life.
> Looking back through things, the last 3 figure expenditure (aside
> rent) that was discussed, was the proposal for a load of welding
> which was £700-1000, but we decided we couldn't really afford that.
> The email thread from last January is at...
> I think we're generally pretty cautious on spending hackspace
funds, but
> I think that's kind of a fair responsibility to the membership,
which is
> where the money comes from, at the end of the day. Financials,
> expenditure and stuff will be things to go through at the AGM on
> (provisionally) the 18th of June.
> Cheers
> Andy
> On Wed, 15 May 2024 at 08:14, Tom Jones <tj(a)enoti.me
> <mailto:tj@enoti.me>> wrote:
> Hi,
> £750 is far in excess of what the hackerspace can afford to
spend on
> stickers. Please do not order anything without approval from
the board.
> Anything ordered before approval will not be reimbursed.
> Tom
> On Tue, May 14, 2024, at 23:12, Victoria Neumann wrote:
> > hi everyone,
> >
> > there are now 7 stickers (in total 9 version) to be
ordered and
> it comes
> > out to about £750.
> >
> > Is that still ok to use hacklab funds for the emf sticker
> >
> > cheers,
> > vishnee
> >
> > On 16/04/2024 20:59, vishnee wrote:
> >> hello everyone,
> >>
> >> the lack of cool buckie, gary and other stickers cannot
> >> especially before emf!
> >>
> >> for this i'm planning a diy sticker making session next week
> during the
> >> open day following the guiede by the c3stoc (c3 sticker
> operation centre):
> >> https://stickeroperation.center/how-to-sticker/
> <https://stickeroperation.center/how-to-sticker/>
> >>
> >> join with ideas, recommendations, or sticker files you'd
like to
> see!
> >>
> >> also, could we do a bulk order via the hacklab?
> >>
> >> cheers,
> >> vishnee
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> 57north-discuss mailing list --
> 57north-discuss(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> <mailto:57north-discuss@lists.57north.org.uk>
> >> To unsubscribe send an email to
> 57north-discuss-leave(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> <mailto:57north-discuss-leave@lists.57north.org.uk>
> > _______________________________________________
> > 57north-discuss mailing list --
> 57north-discuss(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> <mailto:57north-discuss@lists.57north.org.uk>
> > To unsubscribe send an email to
> 57north-discuss-leave(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> <mailto:57north-discuss-leave@lists.57north.org.uk>
> --
> - Tom
> _______________________________________________
> 57north-discuss mailing list --
> <mailto:57north-discuss@lists.57north.org.uk>
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> 57north-discuss-leave(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> <mailto:57north-discuss-leave@lists.57north.org.uk>
> --
> _______________________________________________
> 57north-discuss mailing list -- 57north-discuss(a)lists.57north.org.uk
> To unsubscribe send an email to
57north-discuss mailing list -- 57north-discuss(a)lists.57north.org.uk
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hello everyone,
the lack of cool buckie, gary and other stickers cannot stand,
especially before emf!
for this i'm planning a diy sticker making session next week during the
open day following the guiede by the c3stoc (c3 sticker operation centre):
join with ideas, recommendations, or sticker files you'd like to see!
also, could we do a bulk order via the hacklab?
hello there,
It's Tuesday, so we will have our weekly open night.
If you've not heard of us, 57North get up to a range of activities on
Tuesday nights in our shared workspace, including (but not limited to)
social contact, programming, manufacturing weird things, consuming sugary
treats and the odd can of alcoholic beverage. Typically we kick off at 1930.
We're located at:
Suite H Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
AB22 8GU
Instructions for getting in are here:
https://www.57north.org.uk/open-evenings .Hit the buzzer (Suite H) and
someone shall come and rescue you from downstairs after a brief wait.
There's plenty of parking, but if you don't have transport, then get in
touch either here or IRC and someone may be able to help you out! The
number 1 bus comes nearby too.
If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you
want to work on. If you're not new, shoot a reply to the list and tell us
what you'll be up to, and maybe consider bringing a friend. Please mention
a time if you'll be in before me!
If you are a regular on a Tuesday night, then please consider becoming a
member. More information on the benefits and application process can be
found at [1]
We like our space being accessible for all. When visiting, please ensure
you tidy up after yourself, clean any dishes, cups, cutlery and store them
away. There are vacuum cleaners too, for cleaning the floor. If you have
any questions, please ask one of the regular visitors or members for advise.
I will be in today from about 630pm, What are you up to?
[1] https://www.57north.org.uk/membership
Hello from Spain!
I am aware today that the charity have *again* expressed frustration about the state of the hackerspace to the directors. This is likely to get us in real trouble if it keeps happening.
Andy has been in to have a run around and hoover this afternoon. The bulk of mess he's dealt with has been food crumbs/crisps.
If you could take a look at your surroundings and find 1-2 things to improve this evening that'd be much appreciated! It's easy to not see mess because things have been static that way for a while - don't be afraid to mix things up!
Have a quick read through the closedown to-do [1] and think about it/follow it as you close the space tonight. If there's a step that is missing, edit the wiki.
[1] https://wiki.57north.org.uk/doku.php?id=admin:ondeparture
On Sat, 27 Apr 2024, at 4:19 PM, 57North Announcements wrote:
> Hello hackers,
> I am in the hackerspace today and I have found the hot glue gun turned
> on. I can only imagine it has been on since Tuesday - the last time
> there is record of someone being in the space.
> I don't think I have to explain why I am angry about this. I have taken
> the hot glue gun away.
> Don't argue, don't replace it, think about a reasonable way to mitigate
> the risk of the hot glue gun burning down the building. Only then, can
> we have a conversation about keeping dangerous hot tools in the
> hackerspace.
> This week the owners of the business park made an inspection and
> complained about the amount of waste and recycling there is. We as a
> group are not being responsible with this place we are being allowed
> the use of. The business park are going to continue random inspections
> with the goal of moving us out.
> Each week (ideally) we need to be taking the recycling and waste away.
> There is a recycling point at the Asda Midleton park (2 minutes away)
> and at Tesco Danestone (also 2 minutes away). It is everyone's
> responsibility to not only not leave mess in the space, but to actively
> try to tidy things up.
> No one is expected to be perfect, but you are expected to try.
> - Tom
> on his own, but without any expectation that the other directors will disagree
> 57North Hacklab Ltd. is a company registered in Scotland (No. SC470230).
> 57North and 57North Hacklab are trading names of 57North Hacklab Ltd.
Hello friends and accomplices of 57N!
I've got everyone's payments up to date on hackhub [0] so we can work out who is and isn't a member.
As it stands we have 11 people paying monthly for a membership and 1 distance member in good standing. There is as yet no distance member functionality on hackhub, sorry! If anyone wants to take a stab at implementing that, feel free!
This is not a sustainable number of members (long term) for us to both pay the charity the amount we would like to and to enable us to spend money on fun toys and other things. As it stands we have quite a long runway, but if you think you're paying us it'd be great if you could log into hub[0] and confirm you have a complete line of green.
If you are mostly red, get in touch and we'll get you back on track - there are some facing default dismemberment based on the 12 month rule in the articles.
May payments haven't all hit the account, so expect some minor variabiltiy.
If you are a regular on a Tuesday night we'd love it if you became a member, take a look at the membership page[1] for benefits and how to join!
If you've got a few friends who might be interested in coming to play, bring them along on Open Tuesday! Alternatively, if you're a member and want to use the space to run an event like last year's f-droid meetup or something more regular, please do so! More people coming in helps us expand the community!
[0] https://hub.57north.org.uk/hub/
[1] https://www.57north.org.uk/membership
Is anyone linked to the hackspace involved in hardware design or work
for a hardware design house.
I work for Canary Care and our current hardware is getting a little long
in the tooth so we are looking at redesign as an option. But I have no
real idea of the costs involved.
So I am looking to get a ball park figure to do the package from
hardware design through to production ready and through regulatory
testing. In odl terms back of a cigarette packet numbers.
The system currently has three different radio systems Mobile Data, BLE
and NFC (yes NFC counts a radio).
So anyone out there with experience in this arena?
PS I believe 57north.org.uk is the preferred discussion list.
We've just started planning our 2024 AGM, so this is just an initial email
about plans.
So we're provisionally planning for Tuesday the 18th of June, at 8pm, in
the space.
Historically we used to have our AGM in March, as set by our articles of
association, but last year we changed that requirement to just be annually,
as in every year, rather than every 12 months.
Two weeks before, we'll email out an agenda and that sort of thing.
If anyone would like to propose or discuss changes to our articles, please
create an issue at https://github.com/hackerdeen/articles/issues and we can
discuss it prior to the AGM there. Our current articles are at
You can find details of last year's AGM at
Andy, on behalf of the board
Happy Tuesday, even though it feels like monday. All the info on Open
Evenings is on https://www.57north.org.uk/open-evenings.
We're at: Suite H, Kettock Lodge Innovation Park, Campus Two Bridge of Don,
Aberdeen, AB22 8GU
Reply if you like, let us know your plans. If you need a hand with
transport, just ask. If you're coming along for the first time, awesome,
maybe bring a laptop or something to tinker with.
I'll be in around from 8pm.
See you there.
Hi y'all
Just a heads up, Luke, who lives a few doors down from me, is doing a talk
at the Aberdeen Data Meetup / Python User Group, this Wednesday. If you're
interested in one or more of Python, Data, Weather, 3D printing and ML,
then it might be up your street.
Luke's blurb about his talk...
I will talk to the evolution of the project over the last few years, from
construction (learning to solder) access to 3D printing (Thanks Aberdeen
Library) and various customizations including an air quality sensor,
deploying a website, adding a camera and use of a machine learning
algorithm on my dataset to generate my own temperature forecast. The
learning curve has been steep, with numerous mis-steps and "if i were to do
it again" anecdotes.
6–8pm, May 8th, ONE Tech Hub, it's £6, including drinks & pizza.
Tickets at...
I'd not been to the Python User Group or the Data Meetup for a while, but I
went to the last Python one, and it was good, pretty relaxed and fun, not
just me being biased because there was an awesome talk by Rob :)
Anyway, see you there if you're heading along.