Hello friends!
Some time ago, Wouter dropped off an HP desktop at the space for us to use!
It has 16GB of RAM and I think an I5 something or other and is quite compact in volume.
There's also a CD drive in case you're like me and want to rip some discs to flac.
I've booted it with Debian live and it's lovely.
I'd like to request up to 50 pounds from the hackerspace bank account to get this up
and running as a user station beside the printer running Windows & MS Office. I think
I'll try using that big 4k tv as the monitor too, that seems fun.
Why Windows? We have a variety of interesting people come through the space and I think
there's value in having a familiar computer they can use that we know can print. It
would be nice to have a machine that supports fusion360 for 3d modelling too, as people
seem to like that!
There's no reason we can't dual boot into a linux environment too.
This spend for a cheap 500GB NVME drive [1] and probably won't come up to that much,
but I'd like a little wiggle room for any accessories we may need to get it running.
Dave Hibberd <hibby(a)debian.org>
Debian Developer
Packet Radioist