Hi All,
I am attempting to schedule a good date for the AGM.
Our articles require that the AGM is held in the calendar month of April, so I'm proposing that we hold the AGM on the 4th April 2023 at 20:00 at the hackerspace.
This will need to be arranged at a board meeting before we can officially announce the meeting but I'd like to get feedback on the date, if there would be any major clash that we'd need to take into consideration.
Hope you're doing fine. It's tuesday again, so it's open evening at 57
North hacklab.
Come along, usual place and time, hit us back with a reply and let us know
your plans if you fancy. I'll be in from around 7pm.
Suite H, Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park, Campus Two
Bridge of Don, Aberdeen, AB22 8GU
Happy hacking :)