Goot to chat this evening, for the directors meeting minutes, how
comprehensive do they need to be? I wrote less notes than I thought,
Tom, you're definitely better at minutes I now realise.
Start 20:11 Tuesday 26th July 2022
Chair: Hibby
Present: Tom (T), Andy (A), Wouter (W), Hibby (H)
First item: Bank
We need to moved to a new bank
Monzo, no good, only lets you have 1 director
Starling, ok with multiple directors, does current account switch, so
people don't have to change standing orders
Tide, no good, only lets you have 1 director
Wise, not an actual bank really
Decision: let's move to Starling
Action: H to investigate and action
Second item: Articles changes
H: We should have a membership secretary, see
H: We should automate / simplify dismemberment, see
Third item: AGM
We can set an AGM date for a tuesday in late August
We'll send an email about it v soon, with it as a provisional date
Ancillary chat
We should spend more money
We need to give AAD some rent & bills