Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter

Hello Everyone.

Another week and another set of events at Adelphi Social Centre. We have a Radical Party at the weekend, lots of events and in other news - we are now on Instagram -  https://www.instagram.com/abdnsocialcentre/

Yes we are as surprised as you are.

Remember our website has info. on events - https://aberdeensocialcentre.org/events/

Peace and mince pies.





Wednesday, 18th December, 18.30 - 21.00

Radical Film Club

This month we're showing "Finding the Money"

Friday, 20th December, 18.00 - 20.00

Aberdeen Butch Club Winter Potluck

Saturday, 21st December, 11 - 1

Gaza Demo, see SPSC FB for more info.

Saturday, 21st December, 1 - 3

Radical Cafe with coffee/cake/xmas plotting

Saturday, 21st December, 19.00 - 23.00

Radical Xmas Party! See attached poster! 

Sunday, 22nd December, 12 - 17.00

Trans Grampian gathering


Aberdeen Social Centre

