Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter

Hello Everyone.

Another week of events in the independent state of the Adelphi.

Breaking News - the reading group aka The Mutual Improvement Union is back. It is also monthly meeting time when we are going to discuss the recent fair and plan for next year - we have some exciting ideas!!! ooooooh ahhhhh....





Thursday, 31st October, 630 - 8

Aberdeen Climate Justice Coalition

Friday, 1st November, 6 - 8

Butch Club monthly gathering

Saturday, 2nd November, 1130 - 1

Gaza Demo at Barclays

Saturday, 2nd November, 1 - 3

Radical Cafe avec cafe/cakes/plotting

Sunday, 3rd November, 2 - 4

ASC Monthly Meeting (hybrid)

In person and on Zoooooom - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/99583188469?pwd=VThkU0cra1IxVVhYT0FaQ3RyNnZtdz09 

Sunday, 3rd November, 7 - 830

Reading Group aka the Mutual Improvement Union (hybrid)

The first text will be "Autonomous spaces and social centres: So what does it mean to be anti-capitalist?" by Paul Chatterton Available on libcom.org

This was a text which was part of the inspiration in the founding of the Social Centre. In person but email us if you want to join on the Zooooooom link instead.

Tuesday, 5th November, 7 - 830

Living Rent monthly meeting


Future dates for diary - Saturday 30th November, St Andrew's Day March & Rally against racism and fascism.


Aberdeen Social Centre

