Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter
! Important - Mail-list !
We are moving over to a new mail-list please use the link below. If you do not do this you will not receive emails from us.
This will open an email, send this email and you will receive a confirmation when you respond to, this you will subscribe you to the mail-list.
If you are having trouble send us and email and we will try to help.
Upcoming Events
Living Rent - Outreach Workshop - Sat 15th July, 10am-5pm
This Weekend on Saturday the 15th We'll have Living rend hosting a workshop on talking with MSPs and outreach for organisations, it will start a 10am. Break for the usual Radical Cafe between 12 to 2pm, then continue until 5pm.
Radical Cafe - Schemers Anonymous - Sat 15th July 12-2pm
The Radical Cafe is on again this Saturday, 15th July, 12-2pm, in the Social Centre with the usual coffee, Vegan Bay Bakery treats and scheming. All welcome.
Queer Film Club - Mon 17th July, 5-8pm
We will be hosting an initial meeting for a Queer film club on Monday the 17th - this will continue on the second Tuesday of the month.
All these event will be held at the ATUC Office behind the Maritime Museum on Shiprow in Aberdeen, you can find directions on the website below.
Peace and Love
Aberdeen Social Centre