Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter

Hello Everyone.

Another week of Autonomy In The City. See below - also see website Events feed - Aberdeen Social Centre | Aberdeen Social Centre | Aberdeen Social Centre





Thursday, 13th February 2025, 12-1

Freedom for Palestine day of action, Sir Duncan Rice Library, University of Aberdeen

SWP Students Society organised.

Thursday, 13th February 2025, 6-7

SWP meeting

Saturday, 15th February 2025, someone/somewhere/sometime

Palestine Demo, see SPSC FB for more info.

Saturday, 15th December, 1-3

Radical Cafe

Saturday, 15th February, 3-5

Aberdeen Anti-Fascist Alliance meeting

Sunday, 16th February, 11 - 5 (or to the end of time, whichever is soonest)

NO Monthly Meeting this month as we are having a tidy instead. Tea and moral support will be provided.

Wednesday, 19th February, 6.30 - 9

Radical Film Club

Film tbc.



Aberdeen Social Centre

