Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter
Hello Everyone.
Another week and another set of events. Remember it is Juneteenth, a lesson from the USA, all human rights were fought for and even when won doesn't mean the state will implement those rights everywhere and for everyone. This maps onto other issues, see what we have been scheming this week.
Peace and Cakes
Our weekly climate group will be meeting, climate camp is coming, also Ithica will hold their AGM at TECA on the 24th, that may be worth a discussion.
Every week SPSC holds events in support of ending the conflict in Gaza, Come and protest with us, and show solidarity.
Our weekly Radical cafe with tea, coffee, cakes, from the Vegan Bay Bakery, and plenty of scheming, plotting and mischief.
There will be a hustings, where you can ask candidates for the upcoming general election some uncomfortable questions, Organised by Friends of St Fitticks Park, ATUC, and Friends of the Earth.
Aberdeen Social Centre