Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter

Hello Everyone.

Bit of a different weekend this and there will be no Radical Cafe this week. Demo on Saturday, 1pm at Marischal College. See you on the streets.

See events page for more info. - Aberdeen Social Centre | Aberdeen Social Centre | Aberdeen Social Centre





Friday, 7th March, 6-whenever

Butch Club hosted arts and crafts...

Friday, 7th March , 7-whenever

Know Your Rights Training

Saturday, 8th March, 1-whenever

Demo hate group 'Let Women Speak' - Marischal College 1pm. Please can everyone come and spread the word as well!

For more information on LWS see here - radical.scot


Sunday, 9th March, 11-1

SPSC action (see SPSC FB)

Sunday, 9th March, 7-8:30

CND public meeting: Israeli's nuclear weapons and their role in de-stabilising Asia

Wednesday, 12th March, 7-9

Marxist Caucus hosted debate on China with Keith Paterson and Mike Martin

Thursday, 13th March, 6-7

SWP meeting



Aberdeen Social Centre

