Aberdeen Social Centre - Newsletter

Hello fellow diggers and dreamers. Happy New Year to you all. 

hugs and kisses

Adelphi Citizens Advice Office




Friday, 3rd January, 6-8

Butch Club

Saturday, 4th January, 11-1

Gaza Demo, see SPSC FB for more info.

Saturday, 4th January, 1-3

Radical Cafe with coffee/cakes/plotting

Sunday, 5th January, 12-5

Trans Grampian

Sunday, 5th January, 7-8.30

Reading Group (aka Mutual Improvement Union) ONLINE - 

Zoom - https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84592289839?pwd=Bi1JqhVQS7WS4XSbDiw1v43JaGhs4k.1 

This month it will be a small chapter from Abolishing the Police: An Illustrated Introduction, (edited by Koshka Duff, illustrated by Cat Sims, and published by Dog Section Press.). An audio version is also available. 




Saturday 18th January, 11 - 6, Climate Camp Scotland winter gathering, Quaker House, 98 Crown Street, Aberdeen. They are also looking for people who have space where people can crash. For more info. see here - https://actionnetwork.org/events/winter-gathering

Sunday 19th January, 2-4, is monthly meeting plus AGM day. So as well as the monthly meeting, we hear about our annual accounts as well as forming a new organising group.


Aberdeen Social Centre

