
We hope you all know this by now!!! but a reminder: the radical cafe will not be at the Centre this weekend, but on tour!

We want to see you all (plus all your friends) at the 2nd Alternative Fair. Spread the word wide and far.

This year is going to be HUGE! There will be over 20 activist groups with stalls, craftivism, music from ACAB, food by Food Not Bombs, coffee and solidarity. It will not be televised.

Groups with stalls:

Aberdeen Anarchists, AUSA Environment & Ethics Cttee., Aye Aberden, BeCycle, CND, Conservation Society, Earth & Worms, Extinction Rebellion, Food Not Bombs, Fridays for Future, Friends of St Fitticks, Greens, Green New Deal UK, International Workers of the World/Krakatoa, Just Love, People's Assembly/Jist Scunnered, Labour Students Society, Living Rent, Scottish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign, Secret Garden Society, Socialist Workers Party, Trans Grampian, 57 North Hacklab.
See you soon