Hello there,

I will join you tonight. I have removed a 50y old extractor fan from my garage wall, and hope to find out if I can get it working again. 



On Tue, 1 Oct 2024, 15:05 Andy Gaskell, <ag@ssofb.co.uk> wrote:

Happy Tuesday, hope you're well.  It's open evening at the hackspace today, hope to see you there.  I'll be in around 8pm, but maybe a little earlier.  Email back with your plans if you like.  

I'll be tinkering with bits and bobs, and also sorting through the kind donations from Gavin, that he dropped round last week, including lots of good books, so we'll maybe relocate books to the lounge, as we've too many to fit in the bookcase now.

There is some good info about it at...

We're at:
Suite H, Kettock Lodge Innovation Park,
Campus Two Bridge of Don,
Aberdeen, AB22 8GU

If you've not been before, how no?  Come along and see what's going down, and also up, and very possibly sideways.  Bring a laptop or something to tinker with.

If you need a lift, reply back to here, fair chance someone will be able to help out.

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