
I've maybe mentioned this in the space to a few people, but I've been working on a wee side project that just launched yesterday, StreetArtAberdeen.  Really weird to sort of finish a side project, not quite sure what happened there.

It's a online visual and geographical catalogue/gallery of street art in Aberdeen (yea, I know, the name is a bit self explanatory)

Anyway, it's at https://streetartaberdeen.org/

So, I'm sorry for emailing about this, but I'd love to get some feedback and any ideas folk have.  Moving forward it's meant as a collaborative project with a good number of contributors.  The platform may also be useful for other things too, so I'm keen to get any thoughts on that too.

It's built using the new version of Joomla, and it's all GPL3, code in github, OpenData etc.

Some hopefully handy links...
- The system: https://streetartaberdeen.org/
- Joomla: https://www.joomla.org/4/
- The system's code in github: https://github.com/SSOFB/StreetArtAberdeen
- Some FAQs I've been writing: https://streetartaberdeen.org/info/faqs
- Some notes and info: https://streetartaberdeen.org/about
