Hi, Andy.

I’ll be in daring anyone to touch the power button on my Framework laptop!



On Tue, 26 Sep 2023 at 14:27, Andy Gaskell <ag@ssofb.co.uk> wrote:
Hi Y'all

It's wednesday again, so Open Eve at 57 North.  Come one come all, it's the happy hackers call :)

If you've not been before, how no? It's been about 10 years now :)  If you have, it'll be lovely to see you again!

We're located at:
Suite H, Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park, Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU

Hit the buzzer and someone shall come and let you in from downstairs, it's a bit on the quiet side, so buzz again if no-one hears the first time.  There is more info on https://www.57north.org.uk/open-evenings

There is some info about the space at https://www.57north.org.uk/our-space if it's new to you.

There is loads of parking for cars, or grab the number 1 bus, which drops off right by the door or the number 19, which stops just a short walk away.

I'll be in from around 7.

See you there  \o/

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