Evening lovely people,

57North Snack Bank is now up and running, its a lot like revbank if you’ve ever used that before,
otherwise here’s a quick run down.

When you pick up something from the snack stash scan it with the barcode reader on the table and
once you’ve scanned everything you want type in your user ID to bill it to your account.
The first time you use it you’ll need to use `adduser` to create a ledger for yourself.

When you put cash in the box / bank transfer to hibby use the `deposit` command to record this
against your balance. If at any point you get stuck the `help` command should, well, help.

Its written in Rust and the code is on GitHub at https://github.com/TheEnbyperor/57north-bank.
Improvements or suggestions are very much welcome, open an issue/PR as appropriate.

Happy hacking!