Hello hackers,
I am in the hackerspace today and I have found the hot glue gun turned on. I can only imagine it has been on since Tuesday - the last time there is record of someone being in the space.
I don't think I have to explain why I am angry about this. I have taken the hot glue gun away.
Don't argue, don't replace it, think about a reasonable way to mitigate the risk of the hot glue gun burning down the building. Only then, can we have a conversation about keeping dangerous hot tools in the hackerspace.
This week the owners of the business park made an inspection and complained about the amount of waste and recycling there is. We as a group are not being responsible with this place we are being allowed the use of. The business park are going to continue random inspections with the goal of moving us out.
Each week (ideally) we need to be taking the recycling and waste away. There is a recycling point at the Asda Midleton park (2 minutes away) and at Tesco Danestone (also 2 minutes away). It is everyone's responsibility to not only not leave mess in the space, but to actively try to tidy things up.
No one is expected to be perfect, but you are expected to try.
- Tom
on his own, but without any expectation that the other directors will disagree
Hi everyone,
This Friday (19th) is the third Friday of the month and so at 8pm we
will be having the thirtieth Consular Convention for Control &
Prohibition of Pandemics on Jitsi [1].
Everyone is invited to turn up, have a few lemonades and shoot the
breeze. This is an informal catchup for 57North members and Scottish
Consulate diaspora around the world; a continuation of our regular
lockdown video calls.
Hope to see you on Jitsi this Friday at 8pm Aberdeen time.
[1] https://meet.jit.si/ScottishConsulate