Good day beautiful nerds, 'Tis Tuesday once again, so we will have our weekly open
If you've not heard of us, 57North get up to a range of activities on Tuesday nights
in our shared workspace, including (but not limited to) social contact, programming,
manufacturing weird things and consuming sugary treats. Typically we kick off at 1930.
We're located at:
Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU
Hit the buzzer and someone shall come and rescue you from downstairs.
There's plenty parking, but if you don't have transport get in touch either here
or IRC and someone may be able to help you out! The number 1 bus comes nearby
If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you want to
work on.
If you're not new, shoot a reply to the list and tell us what you'll be up to, and
maybe consider bringing a friend. Please mention a time if you'll be in before me!
I am not coming in tonight as I have other commitments if someone is coming in - can you tell us when you'll be in and what excitement you're getting up to?
Good day beautiful nerds, 'Tis Tuesday once again, so we will have our weekly open
If you've not heard of us, 57North get up to a range of activities on Tuesday nights
in our shared workspace, including (but not limited to) social contact, programming,
manufacturing weird things and consuming sugary treats. Typically we kick off at 1930.
We're located at:
Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU
Hit the buzzer and someone shall come and rescue you from downstairs.
There's plenty parking, but if you don't have transport get in touch either here
or IRC and someone may be able to help you out! The number 1 bus comes nearby
If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you want to
work on.
If you're not new, shoot a reply to the list and tell us what you'll be up to, and
maybe consider bringing a friend. Please mention a time if you'll be in before me!
I'll probably be down for 730ish.
I'll be doing some 9600bd packet radio and pending what's arrived in the mailbox I'll be refining my packet node configuration for what will become GB7HIB and running a Motorola GM340 at each end of my link!
Hello all,
Please see below the minutes of meeting! Sorry they’re so late, a miscommunication of where they were stored and my inability to get my Mac to gig sign things (it could, I’m an idiot) delayed this!
Hash: SHA256
# AGM Agenda, Tuesday the 4th April 2023
Situated in the Hacklab's space in Suite H, Kettock Lodge, Innovation Park, Campus Two, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB22 8GU.
Attending Members: Tom Jones, Kevin Mulhern, Wouter Piessens, Robert McWilliam, Andy Gaskell, Peter Drysdale, Iain Learmonth, Dave Hibberd (Hibby), Stephanie Davidson
Start: 20:19
## Agenda for the meeting
## 1) Election of meeting chair
Chair: Consensus nominates Dave Hibberd
Minutes: Wouter Piessens
## 2) Previous AGM minutes, see…
## 3) Report on activities since last AGM
Hibby walks through the directors report.
He thanks all people involved with activities and would like to see more engagement from members to help out with recruitment of new members.
## 4) Treasurer's report
Transition issues with RBS (bank) on access control to the account are now resolved. Hibby thanks Iain for helping out.
Andy mentioned that the 2021 & 2022 Expenditures are only banking fees.
Balance 1st March: £9347.59. Andy advises our contribution to AAOB will reduce this sum significantly.
Tom seeks clarification on increases for August 2021? Kevin confirms he made a significant contribution at the time.
Andy points out that the increase spike for Feb 2023 is by existing members making back payments, after dismemberment emails were sent earlier.
Kevin asks how much are we contribution to charity: Hibby proposes a £2500 one off payment to cover past expenses over the last 2 years, followed by £800 per quarter afterwards. Tom adds that emails with AOB imply they are currently struggling with paying bills, however he points out that the energy consumption spreadsheet provided by the landlord to AOB is incoherent, partly due to a dispute with energy supplier. Tom also suggests that our bank reserves are strong enough to make proposed quarterly contributions.
## 5) Update Article 22 - ending membership if subscription payments lapse,
Proposal: Rewording of ending membership if subscription payments lapse.
All voted for: motion passed.
Question Peter: "How does the wording of dismemberment affect return to membership".
Rob: "It would be up to board to decide if member has to pay 12 months dues or the 2 months dues only"
## 6) Proposal membership secretary, see
Rob asks if this does need to be in articles? Andy and Tom answer that there is no need for anybody to be assigned this role.
Vote: Motion is not passed.
## 7). Change articles so the AGM doesn't have to be in April, see
Peter asks if we can have an AGM in December? Consensus: "that is possible".
Vote: Motion passed
## 8) Simplify the membership application process, see
Vote: Motion passed
## 9) Remove binary pronouns from articles, see
Iain asks who contributed the changes. Andy said all work was done by Nick, and then all is split up on github articles.
Vote: Motion passed
## 10) Create a facility for remote membership, see
Proposal is to introduce remote membership to anyone who resides over 80km from centre of Aberdeen, then they can apply for remote membership.
Kevin asks if it is possible to change this limitation to Aberdeen and Shire.
Tom rebuffs this and explains that the problem is that we are not able to act on proposals from members raised during the AGM and enact them straight away. We require them to be put in agenda, which has to be announced 2 weeks before a meeting.
Iain asks if there are any limitations on restrictive members? He addresses that there is risk of membership subsidy issues with HMRC for corporation tax.
Hibby answers that members are able under the companies act.
Iain then advises we should have a restriction for the remote members.
Steph points out 80km distance can be see as a restriction.
Consensus: "We have a restriction."
Andy suggest we can review this in a year’s time, and tweak the terms further then.
Vote: Passed by majority, one objection
## 11) Set fee level for remote membership
Initial proposal from prior to AGM was £10, which was deemed to high by members.
Tom and Rob advise that per articles fees should be paid monthly.
Consensus for fee: £2.50 per month, totalling up to £30 per year.
Vote: Passed.
## 13) Election of directors
All directors stand down
New elected directors:
Hibby: no nominations received before hand.
Andy Gaskell
Dave Hibberd
Tom Jones
Wouter Piessens
Kevin Mulhern
## 14) Any Other Competent Business
## References
Hi everyone,
This Friday (19th) is the third Friday of the month and so at 8pm we
will be having the twenty-second Consular Convention for Control &
Prohibition of Pandemics on Jitsi [1] (WorkAdventure is out of action).
Everyone is invited to turn up, have a few lemonades and shoot the
breeze. This is an informal catchup for 57North members and Scottish
Consulate diaspora around the world; a continuation of our regular
lockdown video calls.
I'm travelling at the moment so I don't think I'll make it this time.
Good day beautiful nerds, 'Tis Tuesday once again, so we will have our weekly open
If you've not heard of us, 57North get up to a range of activities on Tuesday nights
in our shared workspace, including (but not limited to) social contact, programming,
manufacturing weird things and consuming sugary treats. Typically we kick off at 1930.
We're located at:
Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU
Hit the buzzer and someone shall come and rescue you from downstairs.
There's plenty parking, but if you don't have transport get in touch either here
or IRC and someone may be able to help you out! The number 1 bus comes nearby
If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you want to
work on.
If you're not new, shoot a reply to the list and tell us what you'll be up to, and
maybe consider bringing a friend. Please mention a time if you'll be in before me!
I'll probably be down for 8ish, going to try and get a cycle in before I come.
I'll be doing some 9600bd packet radio, I think I'm nearly in a situation where I can use a terminal on a remote computer at high speed over a packet radio link!
Hey y’all,
I’m heading back down to the hacklab for 3 today to continue my radio projects, come say hi and work alongside me on whatever it is you’re up to ❤️
Sent from my iPhone
Hi all,
Early notification for this one so it goes in your diary!
Let's get another tidy Sunday on the go for the 11th June. Please don't stop tidying ahead of this period, however - think of this as a deeper clean and chance to reorganise.
Focus will be on the usual stuff- hoover, tidy surfaces etc. Hopefully that's easier and quicker than last time so more of us canfocus on the hard stuff!
Other things have come up that we need to start thinking about:
Positioning of consumables and how we document & label those so they're accessible (also having a rough idea of stock would be helpful)
Catalogueing, labelling and documenting where tools live.
Housing the Scottish Consulate
Just what do we do with Tony Wilson's Gazelle?
Assess whether everything on the 'archive' shelves is required and how do we dispose? I would like to put some stuff on freecycle/gumtree/etc for people to come and collect and see the space in action on a Tuesday.
If anyone else has any suggestions, drop them in - view it as a day to work on improving the space for all! The more people contribute, the better we can think things through and understand if they're working.
Good day beautiful nerds, 'Tis Tuesday once again, so we will have our weekly open
If you've not heard of us, 57North get up to a range of activities on Tuesday nights
in our shared workspace, including (but not limited to) social contact, programming,
manufacturing weird things and consuming sugary treats. Typically we kick off at 1930.
We're located at:
Suite H
Kettock Lodge
Innovation Park
Campus Two
Bridge of Don
Aberdeen AB22 8GU
Hit the buzzer and someone shall come and rescue you from downstairs.
There's plenty parking, but if you don't have transport get in touch either here
or IRC and someone may be able to help you out! The number 1 bus comes nearby
If you're new, I'd suggest you bring a laptop, and perhaps a project you want to
work on.
If you're not new, shoot a reply to the list and tell us what you'll be up to, and
maybe consider bringing a friend. Please mention a time if you'll be in before me!
I'll probably be down for 730. I'll be consuming a beer or two and soldering gently.